Become a sperm donor, visit


Livio Research
our own research company
within the group

Livio Research is a non-profit research company within the Livio Group, founded in 2008 with the aim of initiating and coordinating research and development, such as clinical multicenter studies and the introduction of new advanced technology, within the group. A number of studies have been coordinated and conducted, as well as are presently on-going, within the company.

Livio Research´s vision is to enable the Livio Group to be a leader in research and development within the fields of reproductive medicine and the treatment of infertility, comparable to the best university clinics globally. Our constant driving force is to improve the pregnancy outcomes for all patients, even for those with a reduced prognosis to succeed.

Quality and values
we care about your overall experience with us

High quality
High quality is fundamental in everything we do. Our methods are proven and evidence-based. Our processes are regularly reviewed through internal and external audits. Our patients rate the organization from several perspectives. By investing in research and development, we add new technology and methods to the field of reproductive medicine. We aim to offer the highest quality treatments and service.

Warm and personal treatment
We care about your overall experience with us. Each patient or client must be treated based on needs and conditions and offered individually tailored treatment. Our specialist knowledge and devoted attention to each individual will endure from the first contact with us, until the last. Our hospitality and our availability are key to achieving this. Satisfied patients and clients are our most important ambassadors.

Competence leader
Our employees' knowledge and commitment is our most important resource. We know that continuous training, opportunities for research and a safe work environment create job satisfaction and motivation. We aim for every employee to take pride in working with Livio.

More about our donors

We are the only sperm bank with own
fertility treatment facilities

The Livio Group is the leading fertility company in the Nordic region. For more than 20 years, Livio has successfully worked with recruiting egg and sperm donors as well as carrying out infertility treatments using donor sperm and eggs. Livio Egg and Sperm Bank are recruiting donors from Sweden, Norway, Iceland and Denmark.

The Livio Egg and Sperm Bank’s donors are carefully selected through interviews and medical examinations to ensure that they are meeting the highest quality standards. All our clinics and laboratories are ISO-9001 certified and approved as tissue establishments by the National Board of Health and Welfare.

Mona Bungum, one of the leading experts in the field, is the CEO of the Livio Egg and Sperm Bank.

The Livio clinics
your nordic partner

Livio is the largest provider of fertility treatments in the Nordic countries with clinics in Sweden, Norway and Iceland. Our aim is to provide the highest quality fertility treatments and best results in the area of reproductive medicine. Within Livio we have our own egg and sperm bank as well as maternity clinics.

Do not hesitate to contact us


Livio Fertilitetscentrum Gärdet

Storängsvägen 10
115 41 Stockholm
T: 08-58 61 20 00

Livio Fertilitetscentrum Kungsholmen

Sankt Göransgatan 126, pl 4
112 81 Stockholm
T: 08-684 57 200

IVF-mottagningen vid Sophiahemmet

Valhallavägen 91, Hus A, Plan 1
114 86 Stockholm
T: 08-20 48 10


Livio Fertilitetscentrum Malmö

Per Albin Hanssons väg 41
205 12 Malmö
T: 040-6150600

Barnmorskemottagningen Livio Malmö

Medeon – Malmö
Per Albin Hanssons väg 41,
besöksadress: Cronquists gata 1
205 12 Malmö
T: 040-6150601


Livio Fertilitetscentrum Göteborg

Box 5418
402 29 Göteborg
T: 031-710 46 00


Livio Fertilitetscentrum Falun

Åsgatan 30
791 71 Falun
T: 023-78 30 40


Livio Fertilitetscentrum Umeå

Norrlands Universitetssjukhus
901 85 Umeå
T: 090-785 91 59


Livio Reykjavík

Álfheimar 74
104 Reykjavík
T: 430 40 00


Livio IVF-klinikken Oslo

Sørkedalsveien 10 A
0369 Oslo
T: 23 20 44 00