Screening and approving
our donors
We take great pride in delivering the highest quality sperm to our clients. In order to do so our control and screening processes of all our donors are rigid.
Read more about our donors

An increasing number of women and couples need help to have children
Let the story of others be your inspiration

How does it work?
the process step by step
Being a first-time buyer of donor sperm can seem complicated at first, but we assure you, it’s not. Read about the different steps of the process here and remember that we are here to help you throughout your journey with us.
How does it work?
Why Livio Sperm Bank?
never compromising medical and ethical standards
Livio is the largest provider of fertility treatments in the Nordic Region with vast experience of recruiting high quality sperm donors as well as treating patients with donor sperm. What distinguishes us from other sperm banks is our deep understanding and insights in the situation of our patients and clients through being a provider of fertility treatments.
All of our donors are open and we apply a maximum number of children per donor according to local legislation. In never compromising medical and ethical standards, nor the proficiency of our staff, we ensure the best purchasing experience with Livio Sperm Bank. We practice a maximum of 25 families per donor worldwide.
You are welcome to contact us with any questions you may have and we look forward to give you the best possible care and service.
Get more answers at our FAQ

Create a free account
and access all donor profiles
We recommend that you start creating an account to be able to review donors and to purchase.
After log-in the donors are available for your review. In some countries (ie Sweden), you can only order donorsperm through a fertility clinic.
Create free acccount